Georgina Dowey, Murder Victim found with bag on head, Suspect Arrested And faces murder trial

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Murder – A court heard that a woman battered and strangled to death with a bag over her head was left in a restroom for almost 24 hours. Georgia Dowey was found in Mathew Pickering’s house on 7 May 2023. Mr. Pickering, 49, of Beaconsfield Street, Cadoxton, Neath Port Talbot, admits manslaughter but denies murdering 46-year-old Ms. Dowey. The jury learned Mr. Pickering bought Cherry Coke, cat snacks, Rizla, and bleach after the murder. His defence statement indicated bleach cleaned the bloody floor. Mr Pickering and Ms Dowey had alcohol and drug problems and an on-off relationship, Swansea Crown Court heard. Prosecutor Michael Jones, KC, told the jury that Ms. Dowey had been abused in past relationships.

He called her “even more vulnerable” due to her chaotic lifestyle. The jury saw CCTV from a local shop showing Mr. Pickering leaving his house to buy bleach following Ms. Dowey’s death. Mr Pickering believes Ms Dowey was strangled on the downstairs bathroom floor after an altercation. A day later, a post-mortem revealed Ms. Dowey with a black bag over her head and 32 injuries, including facial bruising and swelling. Police bodycam footage showed Mr. Pickering crying and claiming, “I’m not a violent person, I was defending myself.”

The accused further told police Ms Dowey was “nothing but trouble” in the tape. The jury heard Mr Pickering text Ms Dowey at 15:38 on 6 May, asking, “Did you make it to Merthyr OK?” Ms Dowey was likely dead by then. Mr. Pickering’s father called the police at 15:26 on 7 May, worried about his son’s mental health but unaware of what happened. The jury heard Michael Pickering remark on the 999 call: “A serious incident occurred in the house…” A major attack, possibly more.” “My son is nearing a nervous breakdown… He’s having a breakdown, therefore information is scarce.”

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